Model & Actor Portfolio Photos
Your agent needs good, professional photographs of you to put forward for castings and auditions for Commercials, TV, Film or Stage. There are subtle variations and I want to help you create pictures that highlight your strengths in every genre. I have been working in the entertainment space for 20 years, my experience can help you. Let’s create the impression of a confident, competent and interesting artist that producers and directors will love to work with. Some say that you can’t teach someone “The X-factor”, I think you can.
Time in studio: 60 minutes
We’ll select and process the images that fit with the roles you might play.
Ideal For
Models/Character Models who would like to expand their reach. We can cover several looks in headshots, mid-length and full-length.
The background is plain for a reason – these photographs show you, as you are, to directors, producers and advertisers. By stripping away everything that is not essential, we allow them to see only you.
These people see thousands of pictures every day during castings. If they remember you and talk about you as “the lovely smile” or “mysterious eyes” it will fix your face in their minds. If they talk about you as “that garden shot” they won’t remember your face as well. Anyone can look sexy in a garden, but only you have your face and personality. Being you is your biggest asset.
What to Bring
Bring at least three outfits: formal wear, smart-casual & casual clothing. You can also bring hats, ties and accessories to complement your looks. You may only wear the most essential jewellery, if any.
Your sportswear, if you play a sport – all with appropriate shoes.
Please arrive with your hair ready to shoot.
Guys might need some powder to prevent shine, but please arrive with nothing on your face. Ladies only need the basics. I prefer “nude make-up” (sparingly applied, close to your own complexion – check out these Youtube videos from Bobbi Brown cosmetics for tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAFVZreMrpI or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hcMS11H7yk)
It can’t be overstated that you need to look like yourself in headshots and portfolio photos – your agent will be using these to introduce you to directors, casting directors and clients and they need to recognise you when they see you in person.
How I process your photos
Selective Invisible Enhancements:
I’ll adjust the lighting for proper colour rendering and do some dodge and burn to improve light levels in areas if needed. I’ll remove temporary blemishes and perform minor local adjustments to highlight your best features. I’ll go over the images lightly to smooth the skin & perform selective sharpening. I might soften focus in certain areas to ensure that attention is drawn to your eyes first.
I may spend more time on some images, editing them for a more glamorous appearance. My aim is always to minimise any problem areas without removing them – these pictures need to look like you. If you have a facial scar or visible tattoo they need to know about it, and it might be what lands you a job.
Whatsapp Chat with me and Book A Photoshoot
Each of these photoshoots includes an optional intro video of around 15 seconds, these are essential for online databases like YouMe&Co and Portfoliopad, services your agent may subscribe to to get international clients.
All photographs and video styles will be similar to the gallery images on this page.
All photos are only supplied as digital downloads and will be forwarded to your agent at your request.
Please mention the modeling agency you’re with as some have negotiated special rates. You may qualify for a discount!
SAGA members get an automatic 20% off on the presentation of their membership card.

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